About The Show Host of NorCal AutoTalk

Founding Host Bill Adams
- Adams Autoworx
Bill and Nancy Adams are the owners of Adams Autoworx in Castro Valley. They have been married since 1987 and have five children; Taylor who is a sophomore at Los Positas College; Trevor a sophomore and Tara in 8th grade at Valley Christian Center (Dublin). Their sons Cody and Trent are home-schooled with the best teacher in the world, Nancy. Bill is also the Music Pastor at New Hope International Church in Sunnyvale. His experience in worship arts goes back to high school. He has served in both pastoral and lay ministry positions as a Worship Leader. He is an excellent trumpet player in addition to being a gifted vocalist, choral director and worship leader. Bill has a passion to worship our Lord and lead the congregation into the Holy of Holies. Bill is a graduate of Redwood Christian High School Class of 83, studied speech and management at Chabot College and San Jose State University. While in college, Bill was a national medalist in expository speech which has translated well into Ministry and Radio. Bill has advanced credentials in Training and Human Resource Development, Curriculum development and Training Management. Bill, Nancy and the entire Adams Family are avid San Francisco Giants fans!

Please email us if you have any questions...Thanks!